Friday, November 21, 2008

My cyberspace portal - a real blogger

It isn't like I am a "fake" blogger. But, for now, I am just practicing here for a time that I might take this seriously. The great thing about this form is that you can just do whatever you want and if someone cares, that is great. But, that is not the main point. Unfortunately, I don't yet know what the main point is. I'm working on it. But, for sure, I never wanted to be a writer. I still say that I don't. But, here I am writing. How to reconcile this?

The initial impetus for a blog was simply efficiency. We were going to be in France for six weeks and I didn't want to write a lot of emails or postcards. But, I wanted my friends to know how we were if they wondered. Hence, the blog. The irony is that I ended up also writing a ton of very long emails, too. So much for efficiency.

One could literally get on any blog with external links (I assume that is the vast majority of them) and never, ever leave cyberspace. Until death. I find that so damn cool, but also exhausting. I use a real writer and blogger, Andrew Sullivan, as my portal into cyberspace. He likes to say he is conservative, but his conservative looks pretty damn moderate to me. But, he reads right-wing blogs and left-wing blogs and is interested in everything. So, he leads you in multiple directions. In this article from Atlantic magazine (his home base), he provides the best description of the feel of his blog:
...a blogger feels less like a writer than an online disc jockey, mixing samples of tunes and generating new melodies through mashups while also making his own music.
Yep - it is just like that. If you want a portal into cyberspace, I recommend his. (But, if you think you have a better one - please share.)

1 comment:

Thomas said...

I also love Sullivan and enjoy blogging myself. Give it a shot if you have the time. It can really improve one's writing.