Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Favorite animal videos

Aren't animal videos the best? There are so many great ones. Dogs surfing and skateboarding, horses fetching the beer and answering the telephone, cats obsessively flushing toilets and the list goes on. They are all great but here are a few of my favorites.

You have already seen this, right? The reunion with the lion? But, it is worth watching again. Even though I know what is going to happen, I always cry.

Yes, it is possible to beat the odds. Go penguin, go!

An oldie but goodie. Only 9 seconds here.

If you have a favorite, please send it and I will post it for everyone to see. (Everyone = maybe a dozen people). It doesn't have to be an animal link. Any fun video would be great.


Nora Lennox said...

amazingly, I had never seen the Christian the Lion video. I was sobbing by the end. I'm still sniffling after watching it 3 times. excellent video choices!!

Nora Lennox said...

not sure why my name came up as Lennox. anyway, in case you thought that you had some random stranger reading your blog and commenting, that's actually me, Nora. sorry to burst your bubble. Lennox is my middle name.

Lynn said...

That is so weird, because your name came up as Nora last time...Lennox is pretty cute, though.

Thank god our names don't show up as the top secret word verifications we have to type in to obtain clearance for comments. Otherwise, I would be Apoctra...

Laura K said...

I had never see Christian either! I totally cried. In fact, I am crying now, just thinking about how it made me cry a minute ago.

Signed (my secret code name today - which doesn't sound like a weepy person),


ramcduff said...

I am glad I introduced you to the lion video!

Unknown said...

I'm a little late, but here's the best animal video I've seen. It's a bit long (eight minutes or so) but it made my Mom (who also happen to be Robin's Mom) cry. Here's the link:

Of that doesn't work, just search for "Skidboot" on Youtube.