Sunday, November 2, 2008

The coming schadenfreude

No matter what the outcome of the election, one side or the other is going to bathe in an over-flowing river of schadenfreude. For those not familiar with the German word, it means the enjoyment of other’s misfortunes. And, I admit, I have set aside all of Wednesday to just read about the Republican torment. I expect to fully and deeply enjoy the Republican misery.

I feel somewhat guilty for this impending pleasure but I believe we Democrats deserve our moment of gleeful revenge. That said, I think it is very important to put that impulse aside after, say, a week or two. Then, it is time to start working with those Republicans, Greens, Independents and Libertarians who are willing to work with us. I signed on to Obama’s campaign because I believe he sincerely wants to change the nature of political discourse in Washington. I will join him. Just give me that one glorious, gloating week!

But, if the shoe ends up on the other foot and it is people like myself who end up the butt of the joke, so be it. Democrats have been there before. We know what to do.

Either way, drinks will be in order!

1 comment:

InTheCloset said...

After 8 years of W, we deserve to gloat.