Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Life Lessons

You know, my blog is really stale. I haven't written in it for about a year. I wanted a new leading page. So, I decided to publish something that I sent a friend a long time ago. My life lessons, How audacious! Please write your own and share them. I can't, for the life of me, get it down to 5 as per this site.

Here they are:

1. Define success for yourself and strive to achieve what you believe to be success.
2. Make a plan based on what you want and follow it (or change it as circumstances change).
3. Live for today but plan for tomorrow,
4. Fear is THE limiting factor; learn to push pass your fears if you want to succeed.
5. Choices are faced every single minute—think about your choices.
6. Don’t look back and regret—look forward and plan.
7. Don’t dwell on shame or guilt, but pay attention to what caused it, and change what needs to be changed—let go of what doesn’t.
8. The best things in life really are free.
9. Embrace contradiction; celebrate paradox.
10. Art is a must. Music, particularly.
11. Admit your errors and apologize, promptly and sincerely, when you blow it.
12. Forgive people as fast and deeply as you can, then they will forgive you quickly and deeply, too; it is by forgiving that one is forgiven.
13. Laugh a lot, particularly at yourself.
14. Widen what is acceptable; embrace differences.
15. Be grateful.
16. Play.
17. Socialize—have friends. But, don’t just hang out with people like you (age, race, sexual orientation, religion, whatever...)—seek diversity within your friendship circles as much as possible.
18. Be generous with your time, your money, your skills. Help people.
19. Avoid (your particular) stressors.
20. Spend less than you earn, and invest the rest.
21. Exercise as it really helps anxiety and stress as well as general health.
22. Avoid jealousy, envy, resentment, and revenge whenever you can.
23. Embrace compassion, forgiveness, conciliation and reconciliation whenever you can.
24. Love way, way more than dislike or hate (if you do 22 and 23, this is inevitable.)
25. A life in balance is crucial for happiness.
26. Don’t worry if you are somewhat “crazy”—we all are to one degree or another—admit it and embrace it. (If you are more than "somewhat" crazy, seek help)
27. Do what you say you are going to do.
28. Respond promptly to everyone; be on time.
29. Thank people when they are nice to you.
30. Keep assumptions light, but use your brain—categories are necessary—be ready to be proven wrong.
31. Embrace every death as an urging to celebrate life.
32. Have empathy but not so much that you are paralyzed trying to rescue others while losing yourself.
33. Be nice to people, but—come on—some sarcasm is also necessary for mental health.
34. A fall from grace can be the best thing that happens to you. When you really screw up, the chance for real growth comes. (Good luck, Tiger)
35. No risk, no reward
36. A great partner is wonderful; it is better to be alone than with a bad partner
37. If you have a partner in life, develop a combination of independence and interdependence. Absolutely, do not be jealous, controlling, and possessive—no matter what—as it is impossible to have a successful relationship with these qualities. If your partner is not worthy of trust, then leave her or him. Otherwise, you must trust.
38. What works in this society, won’t necessarily work in another—truths are often culturally created. This is an USA “blue state” list, for the record.
39. This too shall pass. Life flows and intense pain or intense pleasure are, generally, fleeting.
40. Be persistent. That is the essence of problem-solving.

In general, I would say I really have a handle on the first 40 and they all come from my life experience, and I follow them as best as I can. The last three are still far from my grasp, but I might get there:

41. Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run. (Kenny Rogers – from the song, The Gambler.) Seriously, this is really easier said than done. However, you should strive for all these things.
42. Moderation in everything. (I don’t do this one at all, but I am convinced it would be good if I did!)
43. Stop and smell the roses.

1 comment:

Laura said...

What? How did I miss this post until now?? Great list, and, yes, I would say that you absolutely do have a handle on 1-40.