Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Lanai Day 6 - Voila!


Unknown said...

Wow! You're amazing. Thanks for letting me watch it get built.

Ron Irving

ramcduff said...

But, wait! There's more! The steps and railings to come....Ron, can we meet sometime? We have a lot in common. We can talk about Sarah Palin and you and Leslie can talk about food. And, lots of other things. While I am not good at math, Leslie and I really, really like mathematicians. Weird, but true...What's really weird is that I was going to ask you what your Erdős number is and then I saw your most recent post...Seriously, dinner sometime? If you are ever in Santa Cruz, you have a home.

Unknown said...

Oh, right. I jumped the gun. I was so surprised by how quickly it came together Why, it seems like just the other day that you were pouring the footings. But steps and railings would be a useful addition.

You're on for dinner. I'd love it. Except for our trip to north Sonoma County in October, we haven't been to northern California in years, or to Santa Cruz for two decades. We're overdue.

Leslie Karst said...

Hi Ron! Leslie here. I'll be your cook for dinner, so let me know what you'd like (the sky's the limit!).

Unknown said...

Anything? Gosh. How can i decide? I'll have to consult with Gail. But fortunately we have time to work on it.