Saturday, December 6, 2008


I keep obsessing about this video.

Various academic research has come up with the figure of about 10,000 hours of practice to become a master in a field. If that bricks-on-head guy in the video isn't one of the best ever at moving bricks on his head, I want to see the one who is better! And, I assume this means that the guy has done this for, at least, 10,000 hours of his life. Wow. I assume he isn't paid much for his labor. Yet, he is world class at the task! Where is the Ed Sullivan show when you need it?

1 comment:

Laura K said...

That is an amazing video, isn't it? Ellen showed it on her show the same day she showed that cat riding the robot vacuum. (Only telling you that, 'cause I don't think you have a TV in the Hilo house.)